Saturday, December 31, 2011

Don't Let Pain Hold You Back

Holistic Health Discussion Group
Wednesday, January 4th - 6 pm 
Teton Healing Arts
25 S. Gros Ventre St.

Dr. Peter Blumenauer leads a discussion about chronic neck and back pain including new information that will help return renewed vitality and function to your life.

Any kind of pain can be difficult to deal with and chronic pain is something completely different.  The day in day out pain cycle does not only limit our activities, it starts to play with our minds and can change us into a more desperate irritable and insecure version of our former selves.  Back pain, lower back pain and neck pain is a serious problem for many people and may be the most difficult to deal with of all pain patterns.

According to the World Health Organization it’s one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders to effect mankind.  80% of all persons will have it in their lifetime and up to 33% of the population has it right now.   They may go through a period of dormancy only to have it activated again, seemingly out of the blue.  The latest research shows us some of the best ways to understand our bodies and so begin to know how to heal and transform these complex challenges.  New findings like fbro/fatty infiltration of postural muscles, (Spine) aberrant firing and coordination of neuro-motor postural loops (JMPT) and the disuse atrophy that ensues from chronic pain cycles all help to create a pattern that most will never escape.

You no longer have to be one of those people.  Come join us and learn how to begin to incorporate this new information into your lives so you can return to life with renewed vitality and function.  Holistic Health Discussion Groups are scheduled every Wednesday evening at Teton Healing Arts, and will cover a wide range of topics that affect people throughout our community.  Holistic Health Discussion Groups are free and open to the public.  Please contact Teton Healing Arts at 307-734-0222 for more information.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Birth of a New Local Tradition

Teton Healing Arts is supporting the growing nationwide movement to give the gift of genuine concern for others this holiday season by offering a very special wellness promotion throughout December.

Buy 2 Gift Certificatessnowflake
Get 1 Treatment Free!
Valid for these services:

    • Ayurveda
    • Nutrition
    • Life-Coaching
    • Massage
    • Yoga

Many of you have seen the mass email being circulated entitled "Christmas 2011 - Birth of a New Local Tradition."  For those of you that haven't, it is a call to all Americans to give gifts that promote positive change and promote local businesses.  Everyone can use some positive change.  A life-coaching session!  A nutrition therapy session!  How about an Ayurvedic Bliss Therapy!

Each of these services are performed locally by the wellness practitioners of Teton Healing Arts, and are available as part of our special Buy 2 Gift Certificates - Get 1 Free Promotion.  Think of those people on your holiday gift list this year who are challenged by stress, lethargy, aches and pains.  Give them a gift that will promote positive change in their lifestyle.  Or, keep the gift certificates to yourself!  What better way to try out a therapy that you have always been curious about!

Buy 2 Gift Certificates - Get 1 Treatment Free!

Gift certificates must be purchased between Nov. 29 - Dec. 31, 2011 to earn a free treatment.  All gift certificates and free treatments must be redeemed prior to Mar. 31, 2012.  Free treatment certificate must be of equal or lesser value to the highest priced gift certificate purchased.  HIPPA regulations prevent Teton Healing Arts from including Chiropractic and Advanced Allergy Therapy in this promotion.  Please contact Teton Healing Arts for complete details and price list for new services.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Breast Cancer Massage

In honor of all the women in our lives who have had breast cancer, I was going to write to our readers about how personally affected we are by this life changing disease.  Whether its you, your mother, your sister, your wife, or your friend, we are taught lessons from experiences of just how fragile life is.  As I pondered, I realized that it’s impossible to put into words, at least in a few paragraphs, how life changes because of cancer.  Instead of telling you of, unfortunately, what we will all learn, whether first hand or through others experiences, I want to focus on the hope and positive energy of healing.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Come and Practice with Peter!

Full One-Legged King Pigeon - Eka Pada RajakapotasanaHis nearly 30 years of yoga practice and 10+ years of teaching will bring you deep insights into your own union with the infinite!

Starting November 8th to December 27th.
Every Tuesday 12:00 - 1:00 
Open to 4 people only
(8 weeks) for $110
Starting Wednesday November 16th to Friday December 23rd
Every Wednesday and Friday 8:30am - 10:00am
Open to 3 people only
(6 weeks) for $240

These are small individualized classes that fill up quickly.
So call soon 307 734-0222.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do you suffer from foot and back pain?

The two maybe related. A sharp heel pain that radiates along the bottom of the inside of the foot, and is worse when getting out of bed in the morning, is a symptom of Plantar fascitis. This causes a significant problem with comfortable walking, often resulting in a painful limp. No matter the cause, an abnormal gait contributes to musculoskeletal imbalances throughout the lower extremities, and eventually back pain develops.We can help!  We offer spinal manipulation, soft tissue release and/ or Birkenstock foot beds.
                                                              Call (307) 734-0222 for relief now.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Does Your Loved One Make You Sick?

Do you love spending time with your pets but don’t enjoy the itchy eyes and skin, the runny nose, sneezing, coughing or congestion they might cause?  Do you not own pets because of these symptoms?
Pet allergies are quite common and can make living with your best friends difficult. It is estimated that 10% of the entire population may be allergic to animals. More than 70% of homes in the US have a dog or cat.  Many people, who are allergic to cats, live with at least one cat in their home anyway. If you already have other allergic reactions, the rate for pet allergies, in your case, increases significantly.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Greeting Everyone

The sun is finally peeking through the clouds. I hope you get a chance to enjoy it!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Massage Giveaway!!

We have officially reached our 50 Fan Goal on Facebook & are set to draw a name for the One Hour Massage Giveaway this Thursday.So if you haven't already, "Like" our Fan Page to be automatically entered for this great chance to win.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Freedom from Shoulder Pain

While filling in for our very busy and very pregnant office manager, I answered a phone call from a gentleman in Prescott Valley, Arizona.  He is a part time resident of Jackson, Wyoming and was looking for some affordable and effective treatment for a couple of specific conditions.  He asked about all of the services offered at Teton Healing Arts, but during our conversation about massage therapy, he specifically wanted to know about post-operative rotator cuff massage.  Well, this post is for you, Mr. White, and to all of you suffering with any kind of shoulder pain.  This post is to inform you that you do not have to live with this pain forever!
I have personally seen over 100 clients specifically for shoulder pain.  I have treated people with frozen shoulder, dislocations, repeated dislocations, broken collar bone, rib, or arm, torn bicep, tricep or other muscles, torn rotator, post-operative shoulder surgery, post-operative lymph node and mastectomy surgery, and disk and spinal degeneration.  I have an excellent working knowledge of shoulder functions and kinesiology. 
Muscle specific sculpting combined with gentle, passive stretching will restore muscle function.  Myofacial release and other soft tissue manipulations will omprove range of motion and reduce pain.  Before long, you will be able to use your shoulder again...   Hooray!

Check out these studies I dug up about shoulder pain and post-operative pain management: